Powerful, Fun, Engaging, Interactive, Safe, Effective, Uplifting

Cynthia helps leaders and organisations thrive, with her practical, interactive, fun, safe, supportive and highly effective leadership programs for rural leaders and teams, based on the latest learnings from neuroscience and positive psychology.
Cynthia is a highly experienced facilitator having designed and facilitated a range of events including conferences, workshops, team review and planning, strategic/project planning processes, community/ stakeholder engagement workshops, reference group meetings, focus groups, and industry consultation.
Cynthia can also develop a fully customised programs to suit your organisation’s specific requirements.
All programs can be delivered virtually or face-to-face.
If you’d like to learn more about how to apply cultivation to yourself, your team, your organisation, industry or community, then let’s talk about how we can work together.

“Cynthia’s training is now an integral part of our culture and the learnings are not a quick fix, but are helping to grow and develop our organisation to be a better version of itself in a way that we could never have imagined.”
– Tristan Ellett, Customer Relationship Director, BigFish Technology
Cultivating a Healthy Team
The past few years have brought about a lot of change as a result of the pandemic, weather challenges, competition for labour etc. Many teams need some support to strengthen connections, deepen trust and learn how to work together more effectively as a team, especially during these challenging times where there is a lot of stress and overwhelm.
Even if your team is full of high performers who work well individually, they may need to build greater connection and trust to work together as a whole. Working effectively as a team helps improve productivity, allows for greater collaboration, increases innovation, and is important for staff retention.
Cultivating a Healthy Team workshops are designed to be safe for participants, and are very interactive, energetic and participative with lots of opportunity for group discussion. There is also opportunity for reflection to cater to all communication styles.
- build a sense of renewed connection within the team and check in with how everyone is travelling,
- begin conversations about personal leadership and what that looks like for each team member,
- develop shared learning and accountability within the team,
- stimulate the team to think about their own learning and development opportunities; and
- for you as the leader to feel more connected with the team and have a better understanding of what motivates and drives your team members.

“As a facilitator, Cynthia has an incredible ability to quickly connect with people, and her obvious empathy for others ensures her participants are always safe and comfortable as she takes them on a journey of self.”
– Anne Mangan, Strengthening Communities officer, City of Greater Bendigo
Cultivating a Healthy Workplace
How is your team travelling right now – Individually and as a collective? Do you know? Have you provided them with the space to talk about how they’re going?
Cynthia’s Cultivating a Healthy Workplace programs are designed for leaders and teams to navigate tough times together. You’ll be better connected, have more understanding of how your team mates are traveling with their mental health and well-being, have conversations in a safe environment about how to support each other and develop strategies for positive change, collectively and as individuals.
There is one version for leadership teams and another version for general teams.
- check in with themselves and each other to increase awareness,
- unpack how they are travelling,
- focus on their well-being,
- learn some new tools,
- build trust and empathy,
- allow people to talk about struggle and challenge in a safe environment,
- gain energy, support and inspiration,
- identify positive action for change, individually and as a team.

“This is a ‘must’ for anyone involved in committees of any description! Irrelevant of your experience level, this workshop will improve your confidence and assist in the running of more Brilliant Meetings.”
– Rachael Napier, Board Member, Murray Dairy
Running Brilliant Meetings
Learn how to harness your strengths and those of others so that your meetings are more effective and enjoyable.
Cynthia will show you how to avoid the pitfalls of conflicting personalities, overloaded agendas, disinterested or dominant participants and how to manage people who don’t do what they said they’d do. She’ll also help you gain more clarity about meeting roles and processes.
- What makes a brilliant meeting
- How an effective meeting is run
- Meeting etiquette – what is required of you?
- Understanding your personality type
- Active listening, self-awareness
- Manage difficult personalities in meetings
- Leadership in a meeting