Well-Being Wisdom
My good friend Louise Thomson and I are passionate about supporting people to look after their well-being. We’ve been designing and facilitating self-care workshops and also an on-line 6-week-well-being challenge for the last few years.
During the early months of the pandemic, we decided to get together with rural women from our network to have conversations about well-being.
The Well-Being Wednesday video series and Well-Being Wisdom cards, containing our guests’ top well-being tips and inspiration from our professional practice, were the result.
Ep 1: Di Bowles
In this episode, dairy farmer Di Bowles shares her wisdom about the benefits of slowing down and reassessing.
Ep 2: Maree McPherson
Unfortunately we had technical difficulties with our recording with Maree, but you can still benefit from her top well-being tips.
Ep 3: Shanna Whan
We chat with Shanna about how Sober in the Country is supporting people in the pandemic, what she is noticing about our behaviour around alcohol in times of self-isolation, and tips to help you thrive during challenging times.
Ep 4: Dr Kate Burke
We chat with Kate about her lived experience of mental health management, the price of being a late adopter of personal well-being and the rewards of acceptance, boundary setting, self-kindness and compassion.
Ep 5: Shantelle Thompson
Shantelle’s vision is to inspire and empower people to understand their power to overcome adversity and hardship, to move from surviving in life to being the creator of their own life.
Ep 6: Donna Digby
Donna Digby is driven to support community leaders to develop their leadership potential through lived experience, creating pathways for leadership development, building networks and mentoring.
Ep 7: Fiona Lake
In this episode, our guest Fiona Lake joins us. She is a multi award-winning community digital champion, drone educator and photographer.
Ep 8: Louise Scott
Louise Scott has an extensive background in both agricultural and emergency disaster relief and will be sharing what she has learnt from the most complex and challenging situations she has encountered so far.
Want more?
Purchase Cynthia's Well-Being Wisdom Cards, with inspiration and well-being tips from the Well-Being Wednesday guests.