How are you doing this week? That might depend on where you’re located – I’m in Victoria which might explain my current state of mind! Since the outbreak of the pandemic I’ve been operating at high speed and on high adrenalin. I’ve adapted my...
“It’s how we embrace the uncertainty of our lives, that leads to the great transformation of our souls.” ~ Brandon A. Trean I was speaking with one of my coaching clients last week. Her business disappeared overnight and she’s found the last couple of months very...
How to be a master of gratitude This week I was lucky enough to stumble across one of my favourite songs of all time that always gets me nostalgic and emotional and seems to touch my very soul with its sweetness, poignancy and possibility. Yes it is Kermie at his best...
What is high-performance during lockdown? Have you recalibrated your expectations of performance during this time of lockdown or are you expecting yourself (and everyone else) to be at the same level as pre-COVID? How realistic is this? I was chatting to a lovely,...
“At times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to check in on your own well-being and that of those around you.” Prof. Brett McDermott How are you doing? Hanging in there? I hope so. It’s tough out there right now, isn’t it? It’s pretty...