Cynthia Mahoney
Louise Thompson



Well-Being Wednesday Finale


Cynthia Mahoney
Louise Thompson


Louise and I are celebrating 30 episodes of the Well-Being Wednesday webinars. We hope you can join us to help celebrate this milestone and review in meeting mode rather than a webinar.

Yes, it’s a workshop, not a webinar and you will be our guest.

We want to hear about your well-being and how you want to feel about your well-being.

We’ll do a little bit of meditation and celebrate the 30 weeks of Well-being Wednesday’s plus we’d like you to leave us with a Well-being Planner.

This will be created during our conversation – so bring your ideas to contribute to how you can focus on your well-being through to a fresh start in 2021.

Cynthia’s top well-being tips:

  1. Hack your brain to disrupt yourself and get out of autopilot – we are hardwired for negativity and to focus on what’s going wrong. Take some time each day to deliberately notice what is going right and what the positives are – you can change your brain. 
  2. Be kind to yourself and others. It’s OK to feel up and down. It’s OK to make mistakes. Ask for help when you need it. Dial down the judge-ment. You are enough just the way you are.
  3. Remember to have fun along the way. Bring more joy and ease into your life. Let go of the struggle and celebrate your successes.

Louise’s top well-being tips:

  1. Sleep – the more you sleep the more energy you’ve stored to be resilient.
  2. Small Stuff – don’t sweat the small stuff, it drains unnecessary energy.
  3. Stay calm by breathing – 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 (box breathing technique).
Want more?

Purchase Cynthia's Well-Being Wisdom Cards, with inspiration and well-being tips from the Well-Being Wednesday guests.

Your Hosts
Cynthia Mahoney

Cynthia Mahoney

Cynthia is a facilitator, coach, mentor, speaker and author with a passion for personal disruption, neuroscience, positive psychology, courageous conversations, human performance and well-being. Her mantra (taken from the latest neuroscience research) is that “Happier people are higher performing,” and she strives to help leaders and teams achieve this in the workplace

Cynthia is passionate about working with people to develop their life and leadership skills and to increase diversity and participation in decision-making in industry, government and the community. She’s a strong believer in bringing people together to identify issues, exchange ideas and develop solutions that work for them, their business or organisation, their family and community.

Louise Thompson

Louise Thomson

Louise Thomson is a confident, courageous, and enthusiastic women who contributes her experience and wisdom to those who aspire to be better leaders. With three decades in leadership positions within corporate Australia, NFPs, and her own Leadership Development Practice, Louise has experienced most situations faced by leaders.

She was once described as an outstanding ‘blank canvas’ facilitator; enabling groups to learn from each other while providing dedicated support and expertise in leadership development. Louise also mentors’ future business leaders, hosts several leadership programs and enjoys the larger audience to present her ideas about how to make leadership easy.

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Cynthia Mahoney

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