Brigid Donovan

Executive Producer, ABC’s TV Series Back Roads – Macedon Ranges VIC


Brigid Donovan


In this episode, we welcome Brigid Donovan – she is the Executive Producer for one of ABC TV’s most popular programmes, Back Roads, which showcases regional Australia. She founded the programme five years ago after working as a producer for ‘Australian Story’ for almost 20 years.

Brigid Donovan is the Executive Producer for one of ABC TV’s most popular programmes, Back Roads, which showcases regional Australia.

She founded the programme five years ago after working as a producer for ‘Australian Story’ for almost 20 years.

During her time on ‘Australian Story’ she won a Logie Award for a story on Belinda Emmet, who died from breast cancer. She has also won a Melbourne Press Club Quill Award and was a Walkley Award finalist.

She started her career in journalism as a copy girl on the ‘Sun News-Pictorial’ in 1988. During her six years as a newspaper reporter she worked in Parliament House, Canberra, as well as state politics, industrial and police rounds and court reporting.

For the past eight years she has lived in the Macedon Ranges, about an hour out of Melbourne with her husband, two teenage kids, horses and dogs.

Brigid’s top well-being tips:

  1. Make your home your sanctuary. Physically and mentally surround  yourself with things that make you feel good. It doesn’t have to be  anything flash, just make yourself feel comfortable.
  2. Exercise regularly. It can really effect your mental health. “Anything is better than nothing”.
  3. Connect with people. Counsellors, best friends, old friends, groups of people to talk with and get together who know you.


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Your Hosts
Cynthia Mahoney

Cynthia Mahoney

Cynthia is a facilitator, coach, mentor, speaker and author with a passion for personal disruption, neuroscience, positive psychology, courageous conversations, human performance and well-being. Her mantra (taken from the latest neuroscience research) is that “Happier people are higher performing,” and she strives to help leaders and teams achieve this in the workplace

Cynthia is passionate about working with people to develop their life and leadership skills and to increase diversity and participation in decision-making in industry, government and the community. She’s a strong believer in bringing people together to identify issues, exchange ideas and develop solutions that work for them, their business or organisation, their family and community.

Louise Thompson

Louise Thomson

Louise Thomson is a confident, courageous, and enthusiastic women who contributes her experience and wisdom to those who aspire to be better leaders. With three decades in leadership positions within corporate Australia, NFPs, and her own Leadership Development Practice, Louise has experienced most situations faced by leaders.

She was once described as an outstanding ‘blank canvas’ facilitator; enabling groups to learn from each other while providing dedicated support and expertise in leadership development. Louise also mentors’ future business leaders, hosts several leadership programs and enjoys the larger audience to present her ideas about how to make leadership easy.

Cynthia Mahoney

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